kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Almere

Über mich

Hallo Alle.

Bin da wieder. Für den Profil werde ich weiter im Englische schreiben, weil meinen Deutsch nicht ganz gut ist. Entschuldige dafür:

My name is Peter van Stigt, Dutch, family man and nuts about aircraft. And, despite the photo to the left, I'm not a pilot although I've had my fair share of airtime. My background lies in advertising, I started out as an advertising artist/visualizer/graphic designer. At some point I decided to combine my two passions, drawing/painting and aviation, and specialized in aviation art. This has been my living for the past twenty years. About five years ago, I discovered the digital world and added digiart to my portfolio. I use my own photos, my own analogue paintings that I scan in, TerraGen, Flightsimulator etc, all edited in Photoshop (what else...). Here in FC I have three idols in the digiart department: Frank Fiedler, Pavel Kaplun and Ulli Staiger.

Recently I traded in my job at the Dutch National Aviation Theme Park Aviodrome for another one: driving around city buses in Amsterdam. Why? Because when a hobby becomes a job you eventually lose a hobby. And now I gained one again, because I don't have to but am allowed...

My mission is to capture the sheer dynamics of flight in a single still image. Get the audience strapped into the backseat of a plane and witness the ultimate rollercoaster firsthand. I approach my aviation art as adventures that I live myself as a wannabee pilot. The majority of my art depicts military aircraft. Not that my nature is a militaristic one, I'm just hooked on the aerodynamics, technology and flight performance of military jets. Their fighting capabilities I couldn't care less about.

Nuff said, come aboard and enjoy the ride... :-)))

Here are some links to articles I wrote on my art:


P.S.: take a look at the photos that are uploaded by my beautiful daughter, Betiana Barcala. Look for them in the sections World and Natur...

Danke und LG,
Peter van Stigt

Kommentare 36

  • † Ralf Gros 14. September 2010, 12:40

    Danke fürs vorbei schauen und die Anmerkung
    Aka Matsuba
    Flug in die Wolken 01
    Flug in die Wolken 01
    † Ralf Gros
  • Frank Stauga 28. Juni 2010, 21:22

    Ok wenn du es sagst! Danke für deine Anmerkung
    Dann kann ich nächstesmal wenn ich in CB bin mal bescheidt geben daß das Infoschild nicht ganz richtig ist!
    wünsche noch eine schöne Woche und guten Flug weiterhin!
    Gruß Frank
  • N. Nescio 5. Juli 2009, 12:01

    absolute stunning photos, great!
    regards gusti
  • Felix Brokbals 5. Juli 2009, 11:56

    sick pictures man. i'm veeery impressed... first i thought this pics were taken in the sky but i couldn't believe it. when i've seen the tutorial i was very surprised, but impressed though. :)
    cheers, felix
  • Isa Dietze 5. Juli 2009, 11:53

    wonderful pictures !!!
    i have seen it all, the pics all much excitely:-)
    greetings from Isa
  • Matze Kraus 5. Juli 2009, 11:50

    wirklich tolle bilder zeigst du hier!!
    außergewöhnliche bearbeitungen.. einfach super!!
  • Eloy Rodriguez 16. Mai 2009, 22:41

    Hallo¡, "paisano Dutch" Peter. I can see, you have an excellent and huge work in designe, in advertising that... is true art¡ Congrats¡
    Gracias por tu comentario.
    Un saludo cordial, desde Madrid, Eloy
  • Andreas Hundertmark 8. Mai 2009, 22:41

    Nice Pics, like your Fotos
  • Michael.Rossow 4. Mai 2009, 20:02

    Nice Pictures, but tell more about it. (Making of) Its interesting.

  • Ex Captain 25. April 2009, 7:03

    Wow deine Bilder sind echt super !

    grüße Thomas
  • roland gruss 17. April 2009, 22:53

    ich danke dir für deine anmerkung
    ein schönes we
    lg roland
  • Fabian Linder 16. April 2009, 7:36

    awesome work! Im a bit more into helicopters but your Jets and Warbirds are rockin´

  • Stephan R. Gross 11. April 2009, 23:18

    Hallo Peter!
    Deine Composings gefallen mir sehr gut!
    Weiter so...
  • Wuffa 6. April 2009, 16:23

    Ein frohes Fest und viel Vergnügen
    an lauter schönen Ostertagen!
    Genießt die Zeit in vollen Zügen,
    dass wollte ich euch heute sagen.
    Alles Gute, Wolfram
  • REDFOOD 1. März 2009, 0:38

    der grund zum leben, zum leben, voll schnell weil die zeit genial genutzt wird...
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