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Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland

2.677 7

Andrew J.W.

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Kommentare 7

  • Mick K. 15. Januar 2011, 11:31

    Gorgeous. The repeated pattern
    is great. Mind you, I would have
    cropped it to emphasize it.

    cheers, mick
  • Claudio Micheli 6. Dezember 2010, 11:05

    Ottima in B/N!...bella prospettiva.
  • Adele D. Oliver 6. Dezember 2010, 3:21

    Well done composition, perfect in black and white. A beautiful winder mood with all this snow and ice and cold light!!
    greetings, Adele
  • Wolfgang Weninger 5. Dezember 2010, 20:12

    vielleicht täuscht es, aber auf mich wirken die mittleren Brückenpfeiler nicht senkrecht und das stört mich ein wenig
    Servus, Wolfgang
  • Vera Shulga 5. Dezember 2010, 19:16

    I like Winter view!
  • s. sabine krause 5. Dezember 2010, 15:58

    this is beautiful! love how the arch of the bridge is repeated in the snow-covered branches above it! and as the lofty tree tunnel is already occupied – andrea is using it to get to the bridge ; )) – , i will try skipping myself across the ice via those "stepping logs" to the right ; ))… a monochrome winter wonderland indeed! lg, sabine.
  • Andrea Sagawe 5. Dezember 2010, 14:26

    Fine composition. The trees are like a tunnel for the eyes to follow over to that lovely bridge.



Ordner Landscapes/Nature
Views 2.677


Kamera NIKON D50
Objektiv 38
Blende 6.7
Belichtungszeit 1/90
Brennweite 31.0 mm
ISO 200