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Walking in the wall

Walking in the wall

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Marcelo Ambros Ghisilieri

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Barcelona

Walking in the wall

Wall of Khiva o Jiva ; Uzbekistan, 2018
Usually the people of uzbekistan ask you to take a picture, really like this !

Kommentare 4

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  • Marcelo Ambros Ghisilieri 28. November 2020, 18:44

    Thank you Thomas Herbert and xyz , founded marvelous Uzbekistan’s 3 main cities , Bukhara , khiva and samarcanda 
    It was shocking the contact with local people , so friendly 
    In this picture it’s seems oponer class walking in the wall of khiva for a wile 
    They ask me to take a picture and ask them one for me , 
    Great place to discover 
  • xyz 27. November 2020, 18:32

    Khiva is a pearl of central asia - I like it...
    Regards, Ulf
  • Thomas Heinick 24. November 2020, 7:16

    Tradición y modernidad se encuentran aquí. Parece ser un hombre de negocios uzbeko. Uzbekistán es un destino turístico apasionante.
  • Herbert Rulf 23. November 2020, 23:23

    Nice couple and a wonderfull city.
    Besat wishes.