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The Hornist reloaded

The Hornist reloaded

8.239 6

Berthold Klammer

Premium (World), near Aachen

The Hornist reloaded

I have deleted the previous photo because the crop at the bottom part was too long and a fc friend encouraged me to change this. So here the new result...Story behind: I had assignment to photograph the concert of a new, young orchestra in Cologne. Due to my experience I arrived before they started their last rehearsal and could capture the warmup of some musicians like this hornist. First the room was dark and after 2-3 shots I tore the curtain aside and had this good side illumination. The light strikes the "musical side" of someone who's life was and is music!

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Ordner Music & Concerts
Views 8.239


Kamera X-Pro2
Objektiv XF56mmF1.2 R
Blende 1.2
Belichtungszeit 1/500
Brennweite 56.0 mm
ISO 1600

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