5.826 4

Robin S

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Kommentare 4

Bei diesem Foto wünscht Robin S ausdrücklich konstruktives Feedback. Bitte hilf, indem Du Tipps zu Bildaufbau, Technik, Bildsprache etc. gibst. (Feedbackregeln siehe hier)
  • David H Thomas 5. Dezember 2020, 11:45

    powerful lighting
  • David Arduini 29. Oktober 2020, 19:55

    The one thing I have learned about Sunsets is you need something in the foreground to bring the observers eye into the photo. The sunset is the canvas the subject in the foreground grounds the photo.
    • Robin S 1. November 2020, 20:32

      Thank you for the advise, I will bear that one in mind for future sunsrise/sunset pictures. I tried it on one but it wasn't as succesful as there was a sudden cloud of fog which completely concealed the sun!
  • mohane 18. Oktober 2020, 14:01

    bienvenue suc FC!. ce coucher de soleil est joli mais il aurait mérité d'être plus contrasté ( plus de luminosité dans et le ciel et des couleurs plus vives, car ici l'ensemble est un peu sombre et "plat"; il manque un élément qui accrocherait le regard au1er plan selon moi


Views 5.826


Kamera Canon EOS 2000D
Objektiv EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS II
Blende 32
Belichtungszeit 1/30
Brennweite 55.0 mm
ISO 400

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