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Shine Like a New Penny

Shine Like a New Penny

1.531 3

Dianna Tilley

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, thurmond

Shine Like a New Penny

Lucky I Recon with the sun reflecting off his copper colored coat.

Kommentare 3

  • Anna Attlid 8. September 2006, 10:52

    Nice. Maybe a little more light on the head, but the horse is wonderful and the colours as well! I really liked this one.

    Anna Attlid
  • Emma H 6. September 2006, 21:36

    Oh, i love this one. The coulor, the photo, the horse.. Everything!
  • Lovisa Lagerquist 3. September 2006, 11:46

    This is a really lovley pic! His expression and colour and light, it's just great! Thank you very very mucth for presenting!

    Regards Lovisa


Views 1.531