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The New Face of Pittsburgh

The New Face of Pittsburgh

2.562 2

Dianna Tilley

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, thurmond

The New Face of Pittsburgh

The steel mills are gone and the high rises have taken thier place.
This was taken at sunset and then altered with software.

I would love to hear your commments and thoughts on this one.

Kommentare 2

  • Matthias Göß 24. Mai 2007, 0:27

    hello Diannia :-)
    it´s a very nice picture from the new face of Pittsburgh :-)
    lovely greatings from germany - berlin - spandau - tiefwerderwiesen , sirmatzel :-)
  • Henk Auwema 12. Mai 2007, 19:05

    My thought was the left highrisewas sending out some vibrant blue light.
