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Philosophy of our ancestors

Philosophy of our ancestors

2.920 0

Nicole Frischlich

Premium (Basic), Krummhörn

Philosophy of our ancestors

Philosophy of our ancestors

One upon a time
was everything fine.
I was with my granddad
and had felt so sad.
He gave me a smile
and told me ´bout life:

"My child,
you will be happy for a while,
but there will be storm and rain
but try to be always the same!"
There will be some blood
There might be some pain
Just crawl on your way and do good!
Whenever you think there will be no end
Sit down and think over what it meant
to be yourself, not someone else!
Listen to me, my child
This is what the old brain tells.
You might get some scars
some hurt and fear
but never forget
your granddad
will always be here!"

He took my hand and waved good-bye
showed me a grin
"Never forget...good souls can fly!"


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Kamera NIKON D5100
Objektiv PC Micro-Nikkor 85mm f/2.8D
Blende 11
Belichtungszeit 1/125
Brennweite 200.0 mm
ISO 125