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Patch and the sheep

Patch and the sheep

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Erica Cochrane

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Patch and the sheep

This is patch. He is an awesome dog ^^ but when we were at kilbarchan show, he found a sheep fleece, which he found totally fascinating. He was guarding it, incase it tried to leave. But it was just a fleece...poor patch didn't get this at all...

Sad news about patch, he died on wednesday (22nd july 09). They're not sure what happened. He jumped in the water, and although he's a strong swimmer, they think he had a heart attack. the strong current pulled him downstream and over the waterfall. I will miss him dearly, he was truly wonderful.

RIP patch! you were dearly loved!

Kommentare 2

  • Halvorsen 26. Juli 2009, 11:07

    What a sad story, I feel very sorry for you :-(
    I just can't imagine how difficult it must be to loose your dog, and your best friend at the same time...
  • s. sabine krause 26. Juli 2009, 10:35

    beautiful tender shot! love to look at those different textures of fur! and patch's delighted, almost esctatic look is very touching! great story, too – so happy and so sad at the same time! best wishes, sabine.