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Fun in the water III

Fun in the water III

7.094 6

Norbert Berndt

Premium (Pro), Tampa, FL

Fun in the water III

Am letzten Tag unserer letzten Safari trafen wir auf ein Rudel Wildhunde, die offensichtlich kein Interesse am Jagen hatten, sondern sich nur im Wasser vergnügen wollten.

On the last day of our last safari we met a pack of wild dogs who apparently had no interest in hunting, but just wanted to enjoy playing in the water.

Fun in the water
Fun in the water
Norbert Berndt
Fun in the water II
Fun in the water II
Norbert Berndt
Playful kerfuffle
Playful kerfuffle
Norbert Berndt
Do you see what I see?
Do you see what I see?
Norbert Berndt
Is that a photographer?
Is that a photographer?
Norbert Berndt

Kwara Concession, Okavango Delta, Botswana, April 2022

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