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Friendly old fellow

Friendly old fellow

1.752 3

Andre Barnard

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Somerset West, Cape Town Western Cape

Friendly old fellow

A "professional fisher" taking a brake. Had a couple of shots on board!!

Kommentare 3

  • Andre Barnard 1. Februar 2014, 10:42

    What a wonderful poetic reply, Sabine. I really love your reply!!
  • s. sabine krause 31. Januar 2014, 17:18

    : ))) …and wherever he's going, he will always take the ocean rollers with him in the amicable wrinkles of his eyes! ; ) i bet a lot of squinting against the sun was done throughout his trying life as a fisherman! a great portrait of the sunkissed veteran! and he'll probably sway home like an ocean roller, too… ; )) kind regards, sabine.
  • Dü49 16. Dezember 2013, 21:56

    Another great pic.