2.016 5

Andrew J.W.

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Kommentare 5

  • Francesco Della Santa 23. Dezember 2010, 10:21

    bellissimo scenario di campagna con il verde lucente del campo di grano ancora immaturo
    bella e rilassante immagine
  • TeresaM 26. Oktober 2010, 20:21

    Ce paysage, ces couleurs, les formes, ... la prise de vue, la photo enfin... EXCELLENT !!!
    Bravo pour cette très belle mise en valeur, Andy ;-))
  • Gonzo77 26. Oktober 2010, 19:26

    Absolut schônes Bild!!!! Gefallt mir super
  • Wolfgang Weninger 18. Oktober 2010, 20:27

    die Linienführung über den Acker ist sehr gut gelungen und die Farben wirken wunderbar frisch
    Servus, Wolfgang
  • s. sabine krause 17. Oktober 2010, 16:22

    wow! what luminous colors! hard to believe they're good old "bavarian fields" ; )) – would have believed you, too, if you had claimed this was was taken somewhere in the midwest of the u.s.! love how the blue sky and the yellow field seem to have a tiny "touch of green" in common, as though there were no real "transition line" between them, which of course there is! a beautiful shot!! greetings, sabine.