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An Eye for An Eye  9-12

An Eye for An Eye 9-12

11.743 3

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

An Eye for An Eye 9-12

After a hard day of working in pain from metal flakes embedded in your eye socket. The local ship yard settlement doctor uses a metal rod and scrapes te flakes out their eye. For the workers the small mount of money is still worth the endurance of pain to feed their family, while the wealthy reap the major wealth and recycle the ship scraps for huge profits. The workers line up because they know this is the only way to solve a problem which their money can pay for.

Kommentare 3

  • GoPicturesBerlin 19. Oktober 2013, 1:11

    Was für eine Doku und gleichzeitig eine Schande; welche Zustände auf dieser, unserer Welt herrschen. Nur WIR können dies ändern. Vielleicht mal anfangen mit etwas Verzicht auf so unbedingt "notwendige Dinge" +++++V.
  • nikon d5000 15. Mai 2013, 6:53

    Wer Chef ist beutet aus. Egal wo auf der Welt. Jeder will jeden fressen. Auch die Rang kleinsten.
  • Christian Bertero 11. Mai 2013, 16:55

    I totally agree with Leonid - Karl !
    My sincere congratulations for your whole reportage and every composition of it. +++++

    Cordiale saluto dalla Sicily.


Ordner Ship Yard Workers
Views 11.743


Kamera E-M5
Objektiv OLYMPUS M.45mm F1.8
Blende 3.5
Belichtungszeit 1/250
Brennweite 45.0 mm
ISO 200

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