Robert Padilla

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Chicago, Illinois

Über mich


I’m a minimalist at heart, preferring to keep the tone of the photo at the level of mystery and nuance. Often, my portraits are centered around the subject’s emotional state, The backgrounds support the overall mood - never taking over - and always leading back to the people in them.

My landscapes are often dominated by themes bearing the loneliness of broken towns, stark, open vistas, and abandoned buildings. I‘ve always been inspired by artists like, Charles Sheeler and Edward Hopper, as well as the events in America during the late 1800’s to the 1930’s, when life was moving from a bucolic setting, towards the fury of industry, and the classic metropolis.

Kommentare 5

  • Quantxx 4. Januar 2011, 18:13

  • Quantxx 24. Februar 2009, 9:38

    Thank you, dear !
  • Kinga Duchnowska 19. Dezember 2005, 14:19

    Witaj Robert! :)))
  • When 17. Dezember 2005, 11:49

    Welcome to FC Robert. Hope you enjoy our little community. Great music industry shots. Look forward to more.
  • Sergio Pessolano 15. Dezember 2005, 23:39

    Hi Robert,
    Thank you for taking time to comment my photo "Desert Soldier". I really enjoy your comment.
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