Rex Jarvis

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Friesenheim

Über mich

Tourism, Travel and Transport photography by choice, I hate just sitting around at home. I could spend days in an airport, harbour, railway or bus station people watching... Where are they going? Where have they been? What do they do? Street and model photography are things I'd like to try my hand at but I am not really cut out for all that up close and personal stuff.
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  • Fotograf (Fortgeschritten)
  • Fotointeressiert


Main Cameras:
Pentax K-r (Main camera - Survives anything)
Nikon Coolpix P900 (Doesn't like the cold at all, very temperamental)
Infrared Trail Cam
Waterproof Extreme Cam
+ Mobiles and a few others.

Pentax 18 - 55 Digital
Sigma 70 - 300 Digital
Tamron 18 - 200 Digital
Hoya 135 manual
Hoya 3x Teleconverter Manual
Samyang 500 Mirror manual
+ Other old stuff rarely used.