Pavel Janouskovec

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Plzen

Über mich

...The light is off, it is pitch-dark and you pour water into a
glass. Suddenly the water overflows and you switch the light on.
So briefly I would characterise my creative principle...

...Now a little bit more in definite terms. A man moves and various
Impressions experiences and situations have positive or negative
impacts on him. And due to this wide spectrum of these impressions
a subconscious and totally irrational world is being created, that
world is not world of dreams or fantastic but it is a real world
corresponding with reality from which is being abstracted. Even the
artist is a human being...

...An abstract world cannot exist far from reality, but it is united
very closely because it is not possible to abstract from not reality.

...The biggest problem is when your glass is broken and you are
not able to drink...

Pavel Janouskovec (1988)
Introduction of Catalogue for Show - October 1988, Exhibition Hall "CENTRUM" Plzen

Kommentare 14

  • seelhaber 3. Mai 2010, 23:42

    Realität ...
  • INDIKATOR 3. Mai 2010, 22:48

    Wasser auf die Mühle des Lebens ...
  • PetraCZ 28. November 2007, 23:50

    moc pekne fotecky. Skoda jen ze je tu cechu tak malo. Ziju v nemecku tak je pekne tu nekoho potkat z rodaku.
    Jen tak dal
    Petra CZ
  • Rike Bach 10. Dezember 2006, 1:18

    very intersting things in your portfolio... I really like what I see...
  • Ja H 11. Juli 2005, 13:19

    Ahoj Pavle,

    moc pekne fotky. Dostal jsem chut na dobre pivo.
  • Der Erik 12. Februar 2005, 23:12

    Ahoj Pavel,

    minulý čas dobrá fotografie svého pořad :-)
    very nice
    greetings from Oberwiesenthal (Klinovec)


    (sorry the FC dont speak cesky)
  • E. Oerter 16. Mai 2004, 8:54

    Hi Pavel,
    sehr schöne bilder hast du hier. werde dich im auge behalten
  • ClaudiM 25. August 2003, 15:41

    Hallo Pavel, deine Bilder sind sehr faszinierend- vor allem deine Landschaftsaufnahmen finde ich klasse!
    Ich freue mich schon auf weitere Bilder von dir! Viele Grüße!
  • Rainer Harf 23. April 2003, 11:04

    Hi Pavel,
    I really like the way you choose light, color and perspective in your pictures. They have a special atmosphere to me so that I can often recognize that a picture is from you without looking on the name of the photographer!!
    I'm excited about further work!

    Greetings from Hamburg

    Yours Rainer
  • Dirk Frantzen 14. Februar 2003, 8:31

    Hello Pavel,
    I am glad that I have found your pictures. They will surely give me inspiration. A wounderful work!
    PS: of cause you are on my Buddy-List now :-)
  • Te Bo 4. Januar 2003, 19:55

    Hello Pavel.
    I like your pictures very much. They are simple but excellent, with a good composition and fine colours.
    Keep up the good work.
  • Anna Simonja 30. Juni 2002, 9:46

    Hi Pavel,

    I like your pics and I really do like your kind of thinking and writing...

    Will keep an eye on you ! ;-))

    Best regards
  • Jo Weiß 23. Juni 2002, 0:09

    even if your glas is broken you´re able to drink from the river...

    you just have to find one which water won´t make you sick...

    very interessting pics You got here, just go ahead and find more!!!

    greetings, jojo
  • Horst Lehmitz 8. Mai 2002, 19:18

    Ahoi Pavel!
    Herzlich Willkommen in der FC.Hat Dich noch keiner begrüsst?Dann freue ich mich das ich der Erste bin.Du hast ja schon einige interressante Fotos eingestellt.Sprichst Du etwas nemecky?
    Würde mich freuen.Nashledanou!
    Gruss Horst L.
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