Neelu Seetaram

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Melbourne

Kommentare 4

  • Laki K. 14. Mai 2006, 19:34

    hi neelu,

    welcome to the fc, i hope you will have a pleasant stay here and get lots of inspiration.
    don't forget to check out the forums as well, you can get valuable informations there.

  • Peter Kapuschinski 11. Mai 2006, 18:58

    Hi Neelu, welcome in the FC. It is a place with crazy people and wonderful pictures. I wish you a lot of fun.
    greetings Peter
  • Wolfgang Kölln 10. Mai 2006, 15:23

    Hi Neelu (what a lovely name!), welcome to the foto community! We're looking forward to see many more pictures of your new home country!

    Best Regards
  • Hartmut Schulz 10. Mai 2006, 13:58

    Hallo Neelu,
    herzlich willkommen in der fc. Kommen noch Bilder von Down Under ?
    Ich bin süchtig danach.
    Mitternacht auf der Brücke
    Mitternacht auf der Brücke
    Hartmut Schulz

    Gruß Hartmut
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