JC Cocker

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Arkansas

Über mich

Like any average American teen, I was influenced by the bombardment of images that surrounded me: clothing store posters, fashion advertisements, and music mags with ‘Rock Gods’ in ‘Rock God’ poses.

On an impressionable mind, these images exaggerated and distorted what the world, outside my small country town, was really like. I thought the world was a consistently visually vibrant & exciting, non-stop party experience.

After traveling, exploring and just living life in general, I found out the truth of the illusion. Photos capture the height of the experience: the peak of the thrill - the models in their best poses - the cool people doing the coolest things at the coolest moment. Those fleeting moments are here and gone in a flash...POOF!

I was a little deflated by my revelation, but something else was revealed to me. As those fleeting moments come and go in a flash, a talented eye and a fast hand can just as quickly capture it with a flash. Now, I can take part in the illusion that I loved so much.

- JC Cocker

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