Don Ursus

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Über mich

I am an avid amateur photographer from Switzerland and have joined me here for my English a little supplement.
Here I hope to meet many nice people and good photos. And forgive me, my English is not so good. But I'm learning on.
Yours sincerely,

Kommentare 2

  • Enne See 2. Juni 2011, 20:50

    Hi, Don.
    I figured out that the solution was this one. As I've also seen in other web pages, the combination of a good 300mm lens and a 1.4X teleconverter is to be considered as a nice.
    Then I wonder if with a 1.7X teleconverter someone could get acceptable results as well...

    Enne See
  • Adele D. Oliver 17. April 2011, 4:28

    Greetings!! Glad that you found your way to FotoCommunity!! A warm welcome!!!! I hope you will enjoy showing your images and having a look at other members' photos.
    Have fun, get inspired and make many friends!!!
    Friendly regards,

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