877 1

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

When Women Pray

There is a respect muslim women show in prayer. Somehow they bring the ideal of prayer into the present and for that time. Spirit and women in prayer are both present listening to each other.

Kommentare 1

  • s. sabine krause 26. Mai 2012, 15:09

    a picture that has an almost mediative effect, even on us viewers who i guess unconsciously also start "listening" to the women and the spirit listening to each other, or at least feel the vibes. it elevates the mind into a cool, floating state – a lot of that may be due to the 'lightness of the colors" both in the praying women's attire and in their temple surroundings – alabaster, white, ivory, ice, mint-green etc. – which have a strangely liquid, "cooling" effect on both soul and mind! am i making any sense here? i'm not sure… ; )) i do love those beautiful ornamented arches in the back, where a glaring sun tries to sneak in. they add a certain "1001 nights feel" to the atmosphere! ; )) greetings, sabine.


Ordner India in Color
Views 877


Kamera NIKON 1 V1
Objektiv 1 NIKKOR VR 10-30mm f/3.5-5.6
Blende 3.8
Belichtungszeit 1/80
Brennweite 11.8 mm
ISO 800