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What......and you want me to kiss you...............

What......and you want me to kiss you...............

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What......and you want me to kiss you...............


Kommentare 2

  • Anne-Lise 25. Mai 2012, 2:13

    :-)))) Glenn thanks..very funny too!
  • Glenn Capers 22. Mai 2012, 19:50

    YOu might not go for the old Okey Doke but that's a real 6 foot prince that got fooled by an ugly group of witches. He would commit to the insanity of them so they turned him into a frog, but all the good people as in friends saw the truth and now he awaits that one special kiss to become Igor the Wonderful.:0 ribbit ribbit , hey he's got the perfect lips and can french kiss a fly at one meter away.:)))) great shot friend