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Volcanic potential

Volcanic potential

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alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

Volcanic potential

Aegean Sea
island of Amorgos

The majority of islands in the Aegea Sea, most famous Santorini, Melos, Nisiros, are directly connected with a strong and well documented volcanic potential. Since the 3rd Millenium BC, ie from the very early stage of their civilization, have been involved in tremendus eruptions of their volcanos with disastrous results. The most important of those and historically well documented was the eruption of Thera around 1600 BC with the subsequent earthquake affecting disastrously not only the Aegean islands but also the Minoan civilization in Creta. According to views, this could be the one that also destroyed the legendary Atlandis. The Agean Sea is considered a dormant monster roaring from time to time and thus confirming the high risk earthquake zone on which Greece herself sits...

The photo gives a view of the east island coast and was taken with Mamiya AF 645, Velvia 50 positive film 120(6x4,5) scanned later to digital.
The road leads, up to a certain point, to the famous monastery of Hozoviotisa(Virgin).

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