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Un sol y Una Flor

Un sol y Una Flor

304 0

Alejandro Radeljak is Vespa Cravo

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Mar del Plata

Un sol y Una Flor

I searched tirelessly
between hills and streams,
mountains and deserts ...

The clouds are suggested, always,
borders of my horizons ...

Almost eternally beyond,
I knew I would find the beauty,
a gentle breeze,
a sea ...

Today, while I implore mercy.

A flower that inspires my present now,
my hot, dry their petals ...
And that perennial found love,
will go with the wind ...

Alone in the vastness
in a moment, just a moment ...

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Ordner Naturaleza
Views 304


Kamera Canon EOS REBEL T3i
Objektiv Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS
Blende 5.6
Belichtungszeit 1/640
Brennweite 146.0 mm
ISO 3200