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Timelapse Würzburg

Timelapse Würzburg

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MaxM Meyer

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Buxtehude

Timelapse Würzburg

Composition out of 69 panoramas, 8 photos each as well as 250 photos of specific details.
Size of the final photo: 174 Megapixel (21479 x 8110)
Gear: Nikon D850 w/ Tamron 24-70@62mm + Panoramahead

Komposition aus 69 Panoramen á 8 Fotos sowie 250 Fotos einzelner Details.
Größe des fertigen Fotos: 174 Megapixel (21479 x 8110)
Technik: Nikon D850 mit Tamron 24-70@62mm + Panoramakopf

You will find detailed shots and more of my work on www.timelapse-photography.de

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