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They said their farewells...

They said their farewells...

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They said their farewells...

Don't you feel sad, looking at this picture? I feel tender, salt scent of the sea... hearing too many goodbyes.

Beside Kaikoura
South Island of New Zealand

Nikon D80
Sigma 10-20

Kommentare 3

  • Arin 21. Februar 2011, 9:27

    Do I really have to tell you again and again that I'm stunned by your photos. No. You know by now.
    Years ago I would have thought differently about "goodbyes", I couldn't wait to say goodbye to my world, to my life. Now after those goodbyes I feel the bittersweet taste that comes with it. There are always goodbyes in your life because we will never stop longing for something else... never.
    ...this is one of my fav photos of yours...
  • Sneak Preview 20. Februar 2011, 14:01

  • Rohit Singh 20. Februar 2011, 13:25

    Beautiful!! gives an impression of complete silence far from any kinda city noise...


Ordner NZ
Views 4.214


Kamera Nikon D80
Objektiv Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6
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