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the love of a mother

the love of a mother

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Heather Gidget

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Lincoln

the love of a mother

this is my aunt and my adorable nephew Jack Jack

Kommentare 3

  • Heather Gidget 25. September 2005, 21:16

    This is my aunt, and her son, i was trying to get the feel of the scene and i did not feel it nessissary to have much of the top and bottom.

    thanks for the comment!!
  • Sascha Reppel 25. September 2005, 18:42

    Oh sorry just read the comment :-(

    I am too fast ;-)
  • Sascha Reppel 25. September 2005, 18:41

    A great atmosphere...
    Who is it???

    One point that I would annotate ;-)
    U cut the head of the mother of...

    But it does not disrupt too much ;-)

    See u



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