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Sunset in Arizona

Sunset in Arizona

2.841 3

Mircea Goia

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Phoenix, AZ

Kommentare 3

  • IngridVekemans 9. Januar 2013, 21:04

    For me it should also be straight, I don't see any added dramatic effect here, I'm afraid. The squint horizon rather disctracts from the peaceful atmospheric scene...which is lovely, by the way. Just my personal opinion, of course...
    Grt, Ingrid.
  • Ken Piros 8. Januar 2013, 12:10

    I to would have rather seen it straightened but you are the photographer and it is your vision so if you want to leave it tilted it is your choice.
  • Mircea Goia 8. Januar 2013, 7:19

    Intentionat am lasat orizontul inclinat. Da un aer mai dramatic.
    Cat despre rata taiata, da, aveti dreptate. Nu am incadrat bine si nici nu am pus fotografia in Photoshop.