882 4

Esther Scheelings

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Castricum


Trying to teach myself to see more than objects. For example light.
Hope you like it. I am trying and finding out....

Kommentare 4

  • Jesús Rodríguez 7. Juni 2005, 15:24

    Good ilumination and alingment..... I only miss a single animal in there, isolated.....

    Well done
  • Rob Bennett 27. Mai 2005, 20:36

    beautifull contrast and composition. great image.
  • Julie Williams 27. Mai 2005, 3:03

    I really like this shot, love the shadow and light, I am a fan of B&W and I think shot has captured great atmosphere - look forward to seeing more of your work.
    Happy shooting :-)

    Julie (W.Australia)
  • Cees Kuijs 26. Mai 2005, 12:52

    Nice lightfall. Maybe you can try it to in color.Perhaps you can catch the atmosphere better.
    Greetings, Cees