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Snowboard - Rail Jam

Snowboard - Rail Jam

6.740 11

Ken Piros

Community Manager, Ohio

Snowboard - Rail Jam

Yearly Charity Fundraiser for:
Hope on the Slopes a unique 2 day snow sport event open to all who hope to make a difference in the lives of local pediatric patients facing life-threatening illnesses.

Kylie Jane Long Foundation

Kylie, was born on May 3rd 2004. She brought hope to her family, who was experiencing multiple health setbacks, and she gave everyone a reason to overcome their struggles. As the holiday season approached, Kylie was nearly 8 months old, and her personality was starting to shine. However, her family had no idea what was looming on the horizon.

In January 2005, Kylie started having low-grade fevers, which her doctors described as viruses. A few weeks later, she was back at the doctor with a minor case of pneumonia. She was expected to improve with antibiotics, but Kylie kept getting worse with each passing day. The next few weeks were a flurry of doctors and hospital visits, each without any answers. Finally on January 21st, Kylie's family learned the unthinkable. Kylie had cancer.

The next four months Kylie fought for her life, enduring multiple surgeries, 4 rounds of chemotherapy, and countless other treatments while in the intensive care unit at Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital in Cleveland, OH. Amazingly, her spirits remained high and she flashed smiles to everyone who entered her hospital room.

As Kylie's 1st birthday approached, it became clear the cancer wasn't letting up and that there was no other treatment options available to save Kylie's life. On May 6th, 2005, just three days after her birthday, Kylie received her angel wings.

Based on the perspective Kylie's friends and family learned while living in the hospital with her and to continue Kylie's legacy of love, they began the Kylie Jane Long Foundation to aid other courageous children and families who are in the fight.


Kommentare 11

  • Jim McKinniss 13. April 2011, 17:18

    Great action shot.

  • Sanja Kosanovic 2. April 2011, 1:15

    Great panning shot.
  • Jörg Klüber 23. März 2011, 6:24

    Great rythm!
  • Dragomir Vukovic 7. März 2011, 10:21

    great 1
  • Tatjana Puc Kous 4. März 2011, 22:07

    Nace shot and thank for information! Jana
  • Ilidio Fernandes 3. März 2011, 22:51

    Beautiful image and i wish Kyle all the best wishes.
  • s. sabine krause 3. März 2011, 16:09

    a sad story! the sentence about the cancer attacking little 8 months old kylie, just when "her personality was starting to shine" really got to me! it's the terrible "why?" that's always at the side of the desperate bereaved who suffered through it and still suffer from the loss… but the story ends in a new beginning, too, as your picture has a great optimistic and dynamic "embrace life!" feel to it! hopefully it will both boost the morale of all those who were forced to take up the same fight as kylie, and establish an awareness in all of us that life is precious and fragile and can be shattered suddenly and in no time, no matter how tough, athletic or innocent you are… greetings, sabine.
  • DRAGA PUC 3. März 2011, 15:06

    dangerous! take care!
    great perspective.
  • BRYAN CRUTE 3. März 2011, 13:22

    Have a lump in my throat reading this, sometimes we lose track of what really is important in our lives !
    A great capture to remember your day there

  • Michael Grotkamp 3. März 2011, 13:11

    great shot.
    wonderful moment! dynnamic,
    rhythm, cut, bw.



Ordner Motion Blur
Views 6.740


Kamera NIKON D50
Objektiv 51
Blende 32
Belichtungszeit 1/40
Brennweite 65.0 mm
ISO 200