3.212 5

Monteen McCord

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Canton


Scully, the Eastern Screech was born in 1994 and is still with me. After losing Mina in December '08, I have started thinking about my aging population of educational birds. As a raptor rehabber, I help out lots of birds, but I will not be able to save my companions from growing old and dying. Now I know why old people cry so much...

Kommentare 5

  • peacefrog 5. Oktober 2009, 0:54

    wow, perfect shot !
  • Sally Dunn 21. Mai 2009, 18:23

    Unfortunately that is part and parcel of having animals. We had one of our cats run over 2 years ago, and a few days later one of the rabbits went too. Very sad but it taught the kids a life lesson I suppose. Didn't help that I had two kids asking me in loud, panicked voices, "Is Bramble dead????" on a Monday morning 20 minutes before the school run! How to ease yourself into the week! Scully is beautiful by the way!
  • decay 20. Mai 2009, 16:47

  • Diana Ullmann 20. Mai 2009, 13:46

    Almost human eyes!
  • Saska S. 19. Mai 2009, 21:04

    Wow, fantastic eyes. Great image.
    Regards, Saska