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Cristina Dirnea

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Bucharest

Scratches & dust

life is full of surprises, mine also; yesterday I felt empty,bored, something was missing therefore I did this,maybe u wouldn`t understand or maybe u would why I edit my roses this way.

Kommentare 4

  • Cristina Dirnea 10. Juli 2006, 11:21

    The original photo was with 2 simple red roses :)
  • Jaime Crystal Attenborough 10. Juli 2006, 8:59

    what an unusual effect, i like it very much.
    the soft natural colours are beautiful, what did the original look like?
    another beautiful image
    jaime :)
  • Detlef Klahm 18. Juni 2006, 17:15

    this is an interesting effect. But I find the tones of the two images too much the same to bring out enough detail of the flower ( rose) maybe if you changed/lowered the oppacity in the background it would be more effective.
    or I don`t know what I am talking about and thats exactly what you were after.
    ....from Vancouver Canada
  • Luca Senatore 14. Juni 2006, 20:13

    Great work Cristina.. Like the effect alot.
    Regards, Luca