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Saluti da Baia Toscana

Saluti da Baia Toscana

3.677 2

Etienne Go

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Woensdrecht

Saluti da Baia Toscana

The beach in Tuscany, near the city of Follonica at the coast, my parents took me and my brother there for the summer holidays. I returned after more than 20 years to find not much had changed. Many good memories came back!
What a life...


Kommentare 2

  • Alexandra Baltog 7. Juni 2009, 13:34

  • Michael Grotkamp 7. Juni 2009, 6:57

    will not put away your remember, its yours, but a deformed coast is terribly like in other regions and as last example the great turcish southcoast a la Hollywood from Antalya to the beton sleeping arreals more east.

    excellent impression here.
    bw Michael


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