3.548 7

Ying Wu

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Beijing

rice paddy

This is in January, 2005 the rice paddy picture which photographs in
Yunnan. The national minority constructs the paddy field on the
mountain. At sunrise time has beautifully light.

Kommentare 7

  • Digitalclub Meranerland 18. Oktober 2007, 10:36

    Wow, wonderful place. Greatings from Southtyrol - Italy. Markus
  • Jeannette Merguin 9. November 2005, 17:43

    very impressive; great picture!
    welcome to fc
    warm greetings from Switzerland
  • Ying Wu 4. November 2005, 6:05

    to Marc Erpelding:
    yes ,i did increase a little bit the contrast.and this pic is taken in the springfestivle--at the end of January.that day the weather was full of fog.i can catch the sunlight only at a short time.
    ps:i just learn to make a commet.so sorry replay so late.:)
  • Roland Schiefer 1. November 2005, 16:51

    Nice picture from a great landscape.
  • Sebastian Kemmer 27. Oktober 2005, 21:47

    Probably one of the most impressive views in China, especialy when its sunset.
    br Sebastian
  • Peter Freytag 26. Oktober 2005, 23:27

    Wow what a impressing View , nice Photo
    Great work
  • Marc Erpelding 25. Oktober 2005, 20:01

    I definetely have to see those rice fields once. Good composition. Did you try to increase the contrast a little bit to make it look less greyish?