882 2

Magnus Carlsson

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Skellefteå


Photo taken outside Skellefteå, Sweden.

Still a few seats left for this spring's capercaillie and black grouse workshop.
Photos taken by last years visitors:
More information about the workshop on the below link:

Kommentare 2

  • Katarina A 25. September 2007, 7:29

    Hi Magnus,

    Love it ! Great as panorama.Super cool.

  • Stefania C. 20. September 2007, 13:27

    hey, aren't those Santa Claus's helps? :)
    I like it, but maybe if it was a litlle more space on the upper side...so that we can also enjoy the beautiful landscafe that I'm sure it was there...
    But, as I said , I like it ....Great capture!