1.604 4

Michael Vlavianos

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Perissa - Santorini


Oia is the northern village of Santorini. In the old days only the richest people of the island lived there... It still holds the glamour in every stone...

Kommentare 4

  • Aniko Mocher 7. Oktober 2006, 16:32

    amazing shot from your brilliant island!!
    br, anikó
  • Michael Vlavianos 7. Oktober 2006, 12:37

    Well yes...
    But back then if you wanted to go to Oia you would have to wear your "Sunday clothes" and enter a house through the back door... and look down... and stuff like that...
    Rich captains and poor farmers were living in completely different worlds...
  • Michael Vlavianos 7. Oktober 2006, 12:14

    Just last week...
    You impress me!
  • Karin D. Ludwig 7. Oktober 2006, 11:37

    Somehow it hasn"t changed much. The folks occupying those fancy places nowadays aren't among the poorest either, are they? ;-)
    Great shot Michaeli, must have been taken most recently - with the cloud formation... ?