1.786 4

Alexander A.

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, München

Kommentare 4

  • Dustin Blank 1. Mai 2004, 23:43

    Hello Alexander,
    Originality is the most fake concept ever formulated.
    i like the picture, but if you would kindly allow me to comment that it is pretty much without any creativity.
    I like the colours and it is really an interesting mobile phone as well, however, any one can take a picture like that, don't you think?
    So, unfortunately, i have to agree (again) with KAY.
    My kind regards,
    LG JC
  • Dustin Blank 1. Mai 2004, 23:43

    Hello Alexander,
    Originality is the most fake concept ever formulated.
    i like the picture, but if you would kindly allow me to comment that it is pretty much without any creativity.
    I like the colours and it is really an interesting mobile phone as well, however, any one can take a picture like that, don't you think?
    So, unfortunately, i have to agree (again) with KAY.
    My kind regards,
    LG JC
  • Marcel Löhrer 24. Oktober 2003, 16:57

    aber mit bild
    gefällt witziger einstand
    lg cello :-))
  • Christoph Rieger 24. Oktober 2003, 15:52

    Der Hintergrund und der Untergrund gefallen mir sehr gut, das Licht am Telefon ist allerdings sehr hart!

    Der Schatten ist zu dunkel, da wäre eine 2. Lichtquelle rechts angebracht! Ansonsten gut.





Views 1.786