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Petra Finkenzeller

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Kommentare 4

  • Christian Knospe 23. Februar 2006, 10:43

    klasse foto, mir gefällt hier vor allem die schöne tönung.

    lg chris
  • John Moore 23. Mai 2005, 1:18

    Hello Petra, most see this photo as a mun and her dear young son walking down the beach!!!
    But I read a far greater story within this picture, I see a mothers maternal bonding with her young child!!!
    The most important factor of all.
    There is a great difference between the photo and the story.
    Good to see a caring mother!!!
    Bless you all. PS. I promise not to mention rugby or cricket.

    From the land Downunder, I bid you a great day
  • Petra Finkenzeller 8. Mai 2005, 23:56

    i can do magic ;))
    (and get my husband to take the picture, as YOU know ) ;))
  • Des Finkenzeller 8. Mai 2005, 23:52

    Great, but if that's you in the photo, who took thee picture ;)



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