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Muddy path through the endless veldt

Muddy path through the endless veldt

3.038 1


Premium (World), Bangkok

Muddy path through the endless veldt

We had to follow the dirt track in direction to our destination. Many other tracks crossing or passing the track across the fields we are on the way but sudden it could happen that the track we went, goes in wrong direction to the right or left. We'd to return and we went maybe 30 km wrong way. A GPS navi or a compass does not help full in this situation. After sudden heavy rains the tracks change into impassable muddy quagmires.

Kommentare 1

  • TuuGii 18. Juni 2013, 15:32

    wunderschön, unglaublich schöne Wolkenformation und weite Steppe sorgt für die große Tiefenwirkung


Ordner Far through Mongolia
Views 3.038


Kamera NIKON D200
Objektiv ---
Blende 10
Belichtungszeit 1/400
Brennweite 18.0 mm
ISO 125

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