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Mist over the hill at Oglogchiin Herem

Mist over the hill at Oglogchiin Herem

3.603 1


Premium (World), Bangkok

Mist over the hill at Oglogchiin Herem

Oglogchiin Kherem is the biggest graveyard ever found from the 13th century. It is said that it was the graveyard of the 13th century Mongolian aristocrats. The graveyard is surrounded by a 2 - 4 m high granite wall extending about 10 km.
As we passed this mystic place we got the feeling being in the pass. Local people told us about the never found and discovered crave of Genghis Khan, but the locals told us that it should be somewhere there at Oglogchiin Herem.

Kommentare 1


Ordner Far through Mongolia
Views 3.603


Kamera NIKON D200
Objektiv ---
Blende 8
Belichtungszeit 1/250
Brennweite 70.0 mm
ISO 125