3.060 4


kostenloses Benutzerkonto, London

Madrid dance

Madrid / Spain

Kommentare 4

  • mdlphotography 10. Juli 2014, 12:31

  • Ken Piros 28. Juni 2014, 19:14

    Critique straight and tough;

    1: Does the exposure and focus appear correct? the exposure is tricky in this image and you did lose a little detail in the black clothing.
    2: Does the composition work well? Well chosen point of view
    3: Is there an identifiable subject? The dancers and bystanders watching.
    4: Does the background / foreground clutter the scene or define it? Background shows the street scene of where the image is taking place.
    5: Are people and objects in the scene level? Yes
    6: Does the photo tell a story, invoke emotion? The story of dance and introducing it to the people around the street.
  • mdlphotography 10. Juni 2014, 11:54

  • Dragomir Vukovic 10. Juni 2014, 1:55

    great 1 !