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Kite Surfer in action - Denmark

Kite Surfer in action - Denmark

926 2

Peter Taylor

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Schlangen

Kite Surfer in action - Denmark

On a very windy day some kite surfers are enjoying it to the max!

Kommentare 2

  • Peter Taylor 25. Mai 2013, 18:33

    Thanks Harold, it was like most things, I wasnt expecting them to be there and they were very professional, got some great action shots....
  • Harold Thompson 25. Mai 2013, 18:24

    Nicely timed shot catching him airborne on take off by the look of the water droplets :-)) Harold


Views 926


Kamera Canon EOS 500D
Objektiv Canon EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM
Blende 5.6
Belichtungszeit 1/1600
Brennweite 400.0 mm
ISO 200