2.193 5

Sandra Cobos

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Austin

Kami cat sleeps

This is a picture of another Bengal girl of mine - Kami. She was in the process of labor and was completely exhausted -

Kommentare 5

  • DeinFotoDesign 25. Oktober 2007, 7:34

    *sweet dreams* :-)
    lb. gr. christine
  • Sandra Cobos 26. August 2004, 8:16

    Thanks you for the input. How many Bengals do you have? Are you in the U.S. ? I would love to chat with you sometime Annette. Again, thank you!
  • Annette Esser 22. August 2004, 17:26

    Hi Sandra, nice to meet another Bengal-Cat-Lover here
    and welcome to the FC.
    I like your pic though it´s a little bit too small. You can load it up to 1000px but not more than 130KB. THat would make lovely Kami the more attractive

    Annette Esser

    Regards: Annette & Andra (+7others)
  • Christo Ph 21. August 2004, 11:12

    Hi Sandra,
    your bengal cat is tired, my siamese is drunken..*gg*

  • Sandra Cobos 19. August 2004, 16:56

    Kami was not a real young cat in this picture. She was about 1 1/2 years of age. Thank you for the kind remarks/posts. I look forward to taking and adding more photos.


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