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Andreas Hilger.

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Eschweiler

Kommentare 6

  • OLD No13 10. Januar 2014, 11:57

    Well done

    These Colors Don´t Run - In 2014, the 70th anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy will be commemorated by many Allied Heads of State and hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the world from June through till the end of August.The majority of Allied troops who landed on the D-Day beaches were from the United Kingdom, Canada and the USA. Allied Troops from many other countries participated in D-Day June 6,1944 and the Battle of Normandy, in all the different armed services: Australia, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, France, Greece, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and Poland.Over 425,000 Allied and German troops were killed, wounded or went missing during the Battle of Normandy.

    We will remember them.

    Best regards
  • M.Mammen 12. November 2009, 7:29

    Hallo , nix Hotchkiss!! Ein waschechter Willys Jeep der am 30.10.1944 vom Band gelaufen ist. Gruß MM
  • Ralf Büscher 3. August 2009, 20:46

    Gute Qualität hat das Bild

  • IlGu 2. August 2009, 17:22

    So weit bin ich gar nicht gekommen, schön gesehen. War ein schöner Tag. Bis zum nächsten Mal. LG ILona
  • Bernd Bleichroth 2. August 2009, 17:20

    tolle Aufnahme, das frühe aufstehen hat sich gelohnt
  • AE. 2. August 2009, 16:14

    Ein Hotchkiss! Bin öfter damit rumgefahren ....