1.878 2

Leonardus Nyoman

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Ruteng - Insel Flores

Insel Riung

The sub-district of Riung, located to the north of Bajawa, is famed for its beautiful coral gardens. The coast and the surrounding area of the town of Riung have become a national conservation area, and were even given the status of a national park and named Pulau Tujuhbelas, or ‘Seventeen Islands’. In fact, the national park consists of more than 20 small and larger islands. The local people, though, have named the area ‘Riung Seventeen Islands’, a label that is easy to remember as it refers to the personification of a beautiful 17-year-old girl and also Indonesian Independence Day on the 17th of August.

Kommentare 2

  • Leonardus Nyoman 17. November 2011, 14:54

    Hallo Thomas
    Thank you, Riung marine park is also the best place for snorkeling. some ares is little damage by dynamic fishing.
    Just let me know if you come to visit indonesia again.
  • Thomas Brüning 13. November 2011, 23:12

    Great shot of a wonderful island archipel. Beautiful colors. The reef seems to be a good place for snorkeling and diving. No coral damage there?
    After several visits of Indonesia me and my family hope to travel also to Flores next year. Maybe we can contact you?
    Best regards


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Kamera Canon EOS Kiss X3
Objektiv Canon EF-S10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
Blende 11
Belichtungszeit 1/320
Brennweite 10.0 mm
ISO 100