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In a hutong of Shanghai 1923

In a hutong of Shanghai 1923

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In a hutong of Shanghai 1923


Picture taken by myself in my former life circle. I was a Chinese at this time but then was reborn in India.
Left side one of my brothers with his friend and two aunties of mine. The one with white hair is auntie Ching, the name of the other couldn't be transfered in my next life. Probably due to the turmoil during Cultural Revolution.

This lane is very near to the place where the grandgrandfather of Klexy took this picture. Kann man sehen sehr gut that something changed in 20 years.

The really astonishing und immense changes in China aber kann man recognize very well in this picture von 2005. Besonders concerning colour photography und high level of arbeitsmoral:


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Ordner China
Views 471