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I navigli

Milano- con camera non digitale

Kommentare 5

  • agnese52 17. Februar 2010, 20:41

    bel riflesso sui navigli
  • Christian Bertero 5. Februar 2010, 16:36

    Milano una volta aveva tanti navigli pare ...

  • s. sabine krause 30. Januar 2010, 9:19

    great shot about "rows": rows of cars, rows of poles and rows of reflections ; ))! and the luminous blue of the water is simply gorgeous! i like how that loooong row of wooden poles is running through the shot, too – it's literally "stretching" my view! beautiful picutre!! greetings, sabine.
  • Adele D. Oliver 28. Januar 2010, 20:38

    Great perspective, great crop - lovely reflections and great colours!
    cheers, Adele