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For Patric

Originale und die aktuellsten Bilder einzusehen unter http://picera.deviantart.com/gallery/

Meine Bilder sind nicht für die FC optimiert erstellt, werden also durch die Kompremierung beeinflusst und können so an Qualität und/oder Größe verlieren.

Original-Kommentar von mir

One of my biggest problems with making photos is it to turn emotion in pictures. At this picture my personaly emotion is overpowering. The guy in the background is named Paul and Paul does remind me on my half-brother (don't know how it's corretly in english :/ ) Patric. I never had a real brother but Patric is the son of my steph-father and i really love him like he would be my own brother. I miss him strongly cause he's living in another region of Germany as i. I don't see him very often.. only 1 times a year eventually.

I know about my bad english but i think you all unterstand what i mean.

The picture was taken in Duisburg where i met MyArms-Yourhearse. We stood there for a while and enjoyed the music. Thanks for this day Matthias =]

This is my very first real street picture and i like it much. I used the way of manipulation i like also the most. Only the instruments got colour (such great i think) to focus on them.

Hope u like the pic as much as i do...

Kommentare 1

  • Christian F. 7. November 2005, 15:08

    das bild hat was..
    aber was ist das für eine trompete?
    die sieht nicht übel aus..
    gruß christian



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