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First Time Visitor

First Time Visitor

4.119 2

Janet Morgan

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Norwich

First Time Visitor

Two long tailed tits turned up to feed off my RSPB fat slabs for a gourmet feast..I have never seen them in my garden before and they didn't seem at all bothered about my presence... it was a joy to listen to their sssssss sounds and watch them ...such pretty little birds

Kommentare 2

  • stefano romei 4. Juni 2013, 14:19

    i like it!!!

    (sent via fotocommunity Android App)
  • s. sabine krause 4. Juni 2013, 9:55

    oh, how cute! haven't seen any in ages!! they used to come to my garden in winter, but since i've been socializing with that criminal, the squirrel, who feels quite at home at the feeders – to say the least! ; ) – they haven't come back… this one here looks cute but confident – as if he thinks he owns the place! and good for him! ; ) greetings, sabine.


Views 4.119


Kamera Canon EOS 550D
Objektiv Unknown (174) 50-500mm
Blende 6.7
Belichtungszeit 1/750
Brennweite 500.0 mm
ISO 1600