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Female Elephant Seal Waving

Female Elephant Seal Waving

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andrew Pollard

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Female Elephant Seal Waving

Female Elephant Seal amongst others in a harem on Sea Lion Island in the Falkland Islands.

Kommentare 3

  • s. sabine krause 10. Juli 2010, 9:26

    i'm sure it's just my own human way of interpretation, but what i see is a friendly wave, probably accompanied by a welcoming bark, even though she's probably just been itching and brushing off a beach flea ; )). her flipper looks amazingly "female" – again my human way of perception ; ))! – she seems to take great care of her "nails" ; )), is probably tending to them while her impressive "heap of an alpha male" in the back is taking his afternoon nap ; )). a great animal shot! kind regards, sabine. p.s. love her pink tongue and "happy wrinkles"!
  • MAURICE CLEGG 10. Juli 2010, 7:47

    fantastic capture.
    superb detail.
    a very happy picture.
    regards, maurice.
  • Vitus-Usedom 10. Juli 2010, 7:43

    sehr schönes Foto, der sieht freundlich aus!