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Erotic Museum in Amsterdam

Erotic Museum in Amsterdam

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martin alberts

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, lelystad

Erotic Museum in Amsterdam

NO CAMERAS in red light distict! One of the district's security crew may remind you - destroy your film; may even ask you to leave, or worse.
Be welcomed by a typical Dutch girl on a very special bicycle... Erotic Museum in Amsterdam. A collection of erotic art throughout the centuries from the old masters to contemporary artists. The building covers five floors. The museum is placed in an old warehouse in the middle of the Red Light District. It’s a safe area.
Oudezijds Achterburgwal 54. Copyright Martin Alberts 2010.
More: www.martinalberts.com

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Views 9.877


Kamera NIKON D90
Objektiv ---
Blende 5
Belichtungszeit 1/5
Brennweite 13.0 mm
ISO 250